2013년 12월 13일 금요일

비파괴 당도측정기

탁상용 비파괴 당도측정기 비파괴 당도계
2013/10/22 10:02

전용뷰어 보기

특 징 
과일의 당도와 산도, 거기에 중량을 측정해 선별할 수 있습니다. 
선별번호를 화면과 음성으로 알려 줍니다. 
저가격의 비파괴 당도선별기를 실현했습니다. 
간편, 신속, 신뢰가 높은 측정정도를 갖추고 있습니다. 
등급 및 중량별 선별출하, 특선품 선별, 출하 불가품의 제거 등이 가능합니다. 
등급별 선별설정(당도와 산도)과 계급별 선별설정(무게)을 자유롭게 해서 선별결과를 알려 줍니다. 
제 원 
측정 가능품목 
당도/산도:토마토, , 포도,사과(기타과일은 상담요) 
당도:무화과, 자두, 복숭아,, , 딸기, 비파열매, 망고, 키위, 소형수박 
측정 방법 
근적외 분광분석(Interactance):600~1000nm 
디지털 로드셀 
등급 분류 
선별 번호 
최대 15 
사용 환경 
주위온도:10 ~35, 상대습도:25 ~ 85%RH(결로가 없을 것) 
사용 전원 
AC100V ±10%(50/60Hz) 6A 
크기 / 무게 
370x430x170mm / 9.5kg 
370x430x170mm / 8.5kg 
                                                             K-SS300(중량기능이 없음)


2013년 12월 6일 금요일

Microwave roasting of peanuts: Effects on oil characteristics and composition.



Roasting of peanuts by microwave heating (MWH) for different periods was studied in comparison with conventional heating method (CHM). The oils extracted from microwave roasted peanuts (MWRP) showed gradual darkening by time of heating. Colour indices of the oil samples were calculated to show the effect of heating on the oil colour. Chemical characteristics and fatty acid composition of the extracted oils were determined. In addition, peroxide value, conjugated dienes and trienes were determined. It was found that very low amounts of epoxy and conjugated fatty acids as well as fatty acid peroxides were formed as detected by GLC, UV spectrophotometry and peroxide value determinations. Freshly extracted peanut oils subjected directly to MWH showed increase of formation of conjugated trienes. In addition, the MW treatment causes oil darkening and higher colour indices were obtained. It was generally concluded that even short period MWH accelerates the formation of some undesirable and harmful compounds (e.g. oxidation products, transformed pigments ... etc.) during peanut roasting.