2012년 11월 28일 수요일

3ds Max 렌더링 & 시뮬레이션 설계 활용 노하우


3ds Max 렌더링 & 시뮬레이션 설계 활용 노하우
솔리드웍스, 인벤터 등 3차원 CAD 설계기술자들을 위한
3ds Max 렌더링 & 시뮬레이션 설계 활용 노하우를 담은
전문 기술 교육 컨텐츠입니다

2012년 11월 26일 월요일

List of Offshore Wind Turbine Companies and Offshore Wind Farm Developers – Fighting for First Mover Position


List of Offshore Wind Turbine Companies and Offshore Wind Farm Developers – Fighting for First Mover Position

Offshore Wind Energy grew by more than 50% in 2010 and is expected to continue at above 50% growth rates over the next several years as the global installed offshore wind capacity multiples by more than 25 times over the next 10 years.The massive investments and government interest in offshore wind farms has attracted a number of companies to this sector.Top Wind Turbine Companies are leading the pack as it falls right in their domain of expertise as Wind Turbines form almost 50% of the cost of a offshore wind park.Other companies with expertise in related areas such as building foundations for the giant 5 MW and greater capacity offshore wind turbines and the logistics in transporting them also get involved.Shipbuilders from South Korea and Northrop Gruman are also getting in through JV and M&A.European Wind Companies are leading the pack as almost 80% of the current global capacity has been installed in Northern Europe.Also these companies possess a high level of expertise at building and designing wind turbines.Here is a list of the major offshore wind turbine companies.
Offshore Wind Turbine Companies
1) Vestas – Vestas the largest Wind Turbine Company in the World has been facing one setback after another.Stiff competition from China,Slowdown in Wind Energy Farms in the West and now Wind Blade Problems have formed a perfect storm for this company.However the company is the leading supplier of Offshore Wind Turbines and recently introduced a 5 MW offshore wind turbine with leading offshore wind Danish developer Dong Energy.
2)Siemens – The largest Green Company in the world,Siemens has a strong presence in the Wind Turbine Segment.Along with Vestas,Siemens has supplied more than 80% of the Offshore Wind Turbine to the European offshore wind market till date.Given its huge technological strengths in electrical equipment,power transmission and large project construction,Siemens is looking for a dominant role in the growing offshore wind market .
3) Gamesa (Spain) - Gamesa the Spanish Wind Turbine Producer and Wind Farm Operator has faced the worst year of its history in 2010.Like Vestas and Suzlon,2010 has been a cruel year for the Wind Industry in the Western Markets and the WTG Players dependent on those markets.Gamesa is leading a massive Spanish Research Effort to develop a colossal 15 MW Turbine meant for the fast growing offshore wind sector.But this is a long term plan with 2020 set as the target for the complete development of this new Turbine.The company has also tied up with Northrop Grumman to target the North American offshore wind market which has massive potential which is zero as of today.
4) Suzlon Energy is the biggest Indian Wind Energy Company by far with 4-5 Gigawatts of WTG Capacity per year.However Suzlon has languished in red ink since the beginning of the Global Financial Crisis in 2008.However things seem to be turning with a slew of orders particularly by Repower.Suzlon is looking to completely buy out its European Wind Turbine producer Repower. REpower Systems has won a contract from Belgian project development company C-Power to supply 48 turbines of the 6M type for the Thornton Bank offshore wind farm.The turbines have a total rated power generating capacity of approximately 295MW.Note Suzlon is also targeting the Indian offshore wind market which needs to install lots of wind energy to meet its RPS target of 15% by 2020.
Note other major wind turbine makers like Nordex,GE,Sinovel,Goldwind are also developing wind power equipment to target the growing offshore wind farm market.
Offshore Wind Farm Developers
Before we look at the major developers here is a very good interactive map of major global offshore wind farms from 4coffshore . Note Europe is leading in offshore wind energy so it is not a surprise that most of the big devlopers are giant European utilities.
  1. Centrica - Centrica is a British company that was formed in 1997 after the demerger from British Gas.The company has a number of energy projects which it owns and operates.Centrica is involved in the operation and building of a number of offshore wind farms like Barrow etc.
  2. DONG Energy is one of the leading energy groups in Northern Europe headquartered in Denmark.They have 1,035 MW of on- and offshore wind power in operation and 1,316 MW under construction.They are the top wind farm developers along with Vattenfall and E.ON.Dong has built the Barbo Flat,Gunfleet and Barrow offshore wind farms.They are also building the London Array and Walney Offshore Projects in the UK which will take their offshore wind portfolio to over 1 GW in the near future.
  3. Airtricity – This Irish Gas and Electricity Utility has won a couple of contracts to build big offshore wind farms in Scotland in Crown Estate bidding Round 2.
  4. EDF Group is one of the biggest power utilities in Europe and one of the biggest operators of nuclear power in the world.The company is also the largest producer of power in the UK which has the strongest growth plans in offshore wind energy.The company has won contracts to build offshore wind energy installations in UK
  5. ScottishPower Renewables is part of Iberdrola Renovables, the world’s largest developer of renewable energy based out of Spain.They are UK’s leading developer of onshore wind, with over 30 windfarms fully operational, under construction or in planning.
  6. E.ON the German powerhouse is one of the world’s largest power and gas companies.with EUR93 billion in sales in 2010.The company is developing offshore wind farms in Germany and UK.It has a long experience in operating wind farms as well.
  7. RWE is another major German utility that is developing big offshore wind farms in Europe taking advantage its expertise after oeprating a large portfolio of land based wind farms.
  8. Vattenfall - It is a Swedish company and one of Europe’s largest utilities.Vattenfall operates close to 900 wind power turbines in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK. The world’s largest offshore wind farm, Thanet Wind Farm off the coast of the UK, came into operation in September 2010. In partnership with Scottish Power Renewables, Vattenfall has also been awarded one of the zones in the UK’s Round Three for the development of offshore wind power.
  9. SeaEnergy PLC (formerly Ramco Energy plc) is the UK’s only quoted pure play offshore wind development company. Based in Aberdeen, Scotland.SeaEnergy PLC, through its 80% subsidiary SeaEnergy Renewables Limited, has interests in three UK offshore wind farm sites, Beatrice in a joint venture with SSE Renewables, Moray Firth with EDPR and Inch Cape. The Group has also signed a heads of terms agreement to access offshore wind farm projects in Taiwan.
  1. Deepwater Wind is a U.S. based offshore wind developer which is developing the Block Island Offshore Wind Farm
  2. NRG Bluewater Wind is another US based developer that is building offshore wind projects in the North East of United States .The company is developing offshore wind farms in the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York.NRG Bluewater Wind was acquired by NRG Energy one of the biggest independent electricity suppliers in the USA with a huge portfolio of solar and wind projects.
  3. Energy Managment Inc. (EMI) is a small developer based in New England which has been fighting for over 10 years to build the Cape Wind Project off Massachussets which has managed to get most of its approvals done though there are still a number of lawsuits against them.
The Europeans are far ahead of others in owning and operating offshore wind farms.This will give them a big first mover advantage as offshore wind farms are built in other places in the world.Note the learning curve will be steep in offshore wind energy and once they cross that they will gain a huge competitive advantage over other US and Asian wind farm developers.

Abhishek Shah

2012년 11월 21일 수요일



3Pick (4~20mA 출력 산소 측정 모듈)
제조 회사 : 해송산업 (독일 IT사와 기술 제휴
3Pick은 4-20mA 신호 출력 등 다양한 기능을 갖고 있는 보다 정밀한 산소 농도 측정 모듈입니다.

2012년 11월 12일 월요일

How to Write an Absolutely Irresistible Business Proposal

Find out about your potential partner by talking to them, reading their mission statement and researching them – as well as learning how they make decisions. This will reveal the "buttons" that you’ll need to press as you describe the benefits of the partnership (ie. more profits, something new to offer their clients, giving their business a new edge on competition, etc.).

What is the Difference Between a Line Driver, Open Collector, and Push-Pull Quadrature Encoders


I want to use a quadrature encoder with my M Series DAQ card. What is the difference between line driver, open collector, and push-pull and which one should I use?

Line Driver
A line driver is a sourcing output. When in the on state, a line driver will supply Vcc. In the off state, a line driver will float. Because of this, a sinking input is required for proper operation. Please refer to the table below for a simple example of a line driver.

Open Collector
An open collector is a sinking output. In the off state, an open collector will supply a path to ground. When in the on state, an open collector will float. For proper operation, a sourcing input is required. Please refer to the table below for a simple example of an open collector.

A push-pull output is a combination of a line driver and an open collector. In the off state it will supply a path to ground and in the on state it will supply Vcc. Please refer to the table below for a simple example of a push-pull output.

Encoder 101: Selecting the Right Output

Allen Chasey, Marketing Manager, Dynapar Corp
In today’s world of high-tech automation, the design engineer must consider a myriad of variables when specifying the right encoder. Incremental vs absolute output, resolution, and of course physical form factor are key parameters that most every engineer recognizes as top design elements. However, selection of the output chip or “driver” is just as important in many applications. At best, an improperly selected encoder output for the intended application can provide unreliable performance in the form of nuisance-trips, reduced throughput, or diminished production efficiency.

2012년 11월 11일 일요일



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Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool (WUDT) is unable to copy files


This post explains why the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool (WUDT) is unable to copy the install files to the USB drive in some cases. The tool allows you to create a copy of your Windows 7 ISO file on a USB flash drive.

Create a bootable Windows PE 3.0 USB drive with rescue tools – Part 1


Learn how to create a bootable Windows PE 3.0 USB drive. First you you create the bootable USB stick, then you copy the WinPE 3.0 files to the drive.

윈도우7 USER-PE(최고 수준) [USB ISO 부팅]하는 방법


윈도우7 USER-PE(최고 수준) 다운로드 : WIN7PE_WORLD_BEST_01.7z.torrent
토렌트 다운로드 받으면 WIN7PE_WORLD_BEST_01.7z 압축파일 안에 들어있는
WIN7PE.ISO 가 윈도우7 USER-PE(최고 수준) 입니다.

2012년 11월 10일 토요일

윈도우7 부팅 USB 만들기 - Windows 7 USB/DVD 다운로드 도구


BOOTMGR is missing


BOOTMGR is missing 해결하기


명령프롬프트 사용

BOOTMGR is missing


BOOTMGR is missing 해결 팁


What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy HBOT


harch hyperbaric oxygen theraphy


OxyHealth LLC


OxyHealth has changed the way the medical industry practices hyperbaric medicine. From the beginning, OxyHealth began its revolution of one portable hyperbaric chamber at a time. By offering these specialized chambers that lent themselves to clinicians, researchers and patients through ease, affordability and safety, these early sound business practices paved the way for the many bustling modern HBOT treatment we see these days.

Because OxyHealth has taken the "work" or "burden" out of operating the HBOT Chamber and its user-friendly designs continue to entice doctors and patients alike. In fact, the mass appeal of OxyHealth's portable, enclosed chambers has made the entire therapy the hot button modality in the medical field today.

And, it's no wonder. Installing hyperbaric oxygen chamber requires little to no down time (even for its higher pressure steel chambers!); the cost consideration is fair and manageable; chamber safety records are flawless; and customer care has become an 'art' in the service of clients.

With over 8500 chambers in service today (that's more than all other manufacturers combined!), OxyHealth is the global leader in quality and safety. So many chambers, so many options, so much ease. More than at any other time, Hyperbaric therapy is possibly the most possible now because of the bold moves this company decided were worth the price. OxyHealth designs have provided an in-road into the medical profession in ways that have reached out to many people who may otherwise not have been able to attain the hyperbaric treatment. Practitioners too have been given new, accessible tools—modalities within reach—for the benefit of patients in an immediate way… not as a last resort option rarely available at an expensive hospital chamber—as has been common practice in the healthcare industry for years..

2012년 11월 6일 화요일

Complications and side effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.



Despite ongoing controversy, hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy is frequently administered in various clinical situations. Probably because of the unique atmospheric conditions to which the patient is exposed, there are concerns about the safety aspects of this therapy. Possible complications during HBO therapy include barotraumatic lesions (middle ear, nasal sinuses, inner ear, lung, teeth), oxygen toxicity (central nervous system, lung), confinement anxiety, and ocular effects (myopia, cataract growth).


To analyze the medical safety of HBO therapy, this report reviewed complications and side effects of 782 patients treated for various indications with a total of 11,376 HBO therapy sessions within a multiplace chamber. The absolute treatment pressure was 240 or 250 kPa 114 or 15 msw). The compression was performed in a linear manner with 14 to 15 kPa (1.4 to 1.5 msw) x min(-1). All data were gathered prospectively within a special database.


More than 17% of all patients experienced ear pain or discomfort as an expression of problems in equalizing the middle ear pressure. Most episodes were not related to a persistent eustachian tube dysfunction since they only occurred once. Barotraumatic lesions on visual otological examinations (ear microscopy) were verified in 3.8% of all patients. Patients with sensory deficits involving the ear region need special attention, because they seem to be at risk for rupture of the tympanic membrane (three cases documented). A barotrauma of the nasal sinuses occurred rarely and no barotraumatic lesions of the inner ear, lung, or teeth were noted. Oxygen toxicity of the CNS manifested by generalized seizures affected four patients without any recognizable risk factors or prodromes. None of the patients suffered recurrences or sequelae. Regular checks of the blood glucose in diabetics failed to reveal episodes of hypoglycemia as a cause for seizures. Lung function tests of patients undergoing prolonged treatment (average 52.8 sessions) did not deteriorate.


Patients scheduled for HBO therapy need a careful pre-examination and monitoring. If safety guidelines are strictly followed, HBO therapy is a modality with an acceptable rate of complications. The predominant complication is represented by pressure equalization problems within the middle ear. Serious complications rarely occur.

산소요법 Oxygen therapy

산소요법 Oxygen therapy

산소를 이용해 신체를 화학적으로 향상시킴으로써 질병을 회복하고 재활을 증진시키며 전반적인 기능을 촉진 시키고자 하는 요법으로 감염질환, 순환기질환, 만성피로증후군, 관절염, 알러지 등의 치료에 사용한다.

산소요법에는 고압산소요법(Hyperbaric oxygen therapy), 산화요법(Oxydation therapy), 오존요법(Ozone therapy) 등이 있다.


고압산소치료 원리와 압력의 이해


고압산소치료란 산소흡입을 증가시켜주는 수단으로 바로 대기에서 받을 수 있는 압력이상으로 높여주는 것입니다. 특별히 산소를 더 많이 공급하지 않아도 실제로 몸이 받아들일 수 있는 산소의 양은  훨씬 늘어나게 되는 것입니다.

모발이식에서 고압산소치료의 원리와 효과


모발이식에서 고압산소치료의 원리와 효과

2012년 11월 5일 월요일

99%를 위한 ‘적정마케팅’


적정마케팅은 자영업자와 소상공인에게 적정한 수준의 노력과 비용만을 요구하는 마케팅이다. 적정기술이 값싼 생산도구를 개발하고 보급함으로써 생산량을 늘려 소득을 증대시키는 것을 목적으로 한다면, 적정마케팅은 값싸고 쉬운 마케팅 기술을 보급함으로써 판매를 촉진시켜 소득을 증대시키는 것을 목적으로 한다.
우리나라처럼 생산 과잉의 사회에서는 제품 생산 기술보다 마케팅 역량이 사업의 성패를 결정하기 때문에 자영업자와 소상공인들의 소득 증대를 돕기 위해서는 적정 기술 관점보다는 적정 마케팅 관점에서 접근하는 것이 타당할 것이다.

[소셜잇수다] 사람을 보듬는 ‘적정기술’


‘적정기술’(Appropriate Technology)은 기술에서 해답을 찾습니다. 하루 2달러, 아니 1달러만으로도 생계가 유지되도록 초저가 생필품을 만들고, 소득을 늘려 빈곤에서 탈출할 수 있도록 초저가 생산 도구를 만들자고 합니다. 한마디로 적은 돈으로 생존하고 나아가 돈까지 벌 수 있게 돕자는 것입니다.
얼마나 명쾌한 해법인가요. 하지만, 100달러짜리 집처럼 우리가 상상할 수 없는 수준으로까지 가격을 떨어뜨려야 하기 때문에 기술 혁신이 요구됩니다. 물론, 그렇다고 첨단을 달릴 필요까진 없습니다. 적정기술은 때로는 과거로 퇴보해 선진국에서 폐기한 옛 기술을 되살리기도 합니다. 그러한 의미에서 적정기술은 ‘중간기술’로도 불립니다. 따라서 적정기술에서 말하는 혁신은 빈곤층의 구매력에 맞춰 기술을 개량하는 것으로 이해하는 편이 나을 것입니다.

[소셜잇수다] 에너지 자급하는 이재열표 ‘적정기술’


햇빛만으로 한 겨울에도 60도가 넘는 온풍을 실내로 공급할 수 있는 기술. 햇빛만으로 70도가 넘는 온수를 얻을 수 있는 기술. 햇빛만으로 곡식과 야채를 속성 건조할 수 있는 기술.
연료가 필요 없는데다 친환경적이며, 제작비가 많아야 100만원 남짓인 이러한 기술들을 여러분이 개발했다면 어떻게 하겠는가. 아마도 서둘러 특허부터 등록하고, 돈방석에 앉을 상상을 하고 있을 것이다.
그런데, 아무런 조건 없이 이러한 기술들을 공개하는 사람이 있다. 경북 봉화군의 한 농가에서 5년 째 재생에너지 적정기술을 연구해온 이재열씨다.

2012년 11월 3일 토요일

Tutorial: Using AVR Studio 5 with Arduino projects


This article explains, step-by-step, how to set up the AVR Studio 5 IDE for use with Arduino projects. It also includes some background on the pros and cons of working with AVR Studio, notes on general setup for working with Atmel devices, and a few other tips we’ve picked up along the way. Feel free to skip around to the sections that interest you.

2012년 11월 2일 금요일

Download XMind


[마인드맵 이야기] ②디지털 마인드맵, 창의적으로 활용하기


지난 포스팅에서는 별도의 장비 없이 색연필과 종이만 있으면 어느 곳에서나 쉽게 그릴 수 있는 ‘손으로 그리는 마인드맵’을 소개했습니다. 그러나 개인적인 용도로 사용하는 경우에는 큰 무리가 없지만 마인드맵을 업무용으로 활용하거나 다른 사람과 공유해야 하는 경우라면 PC를 이용해 작성하는 디지털 마인드맵이 훨씬 유용합니다. 그렇다면 디지털 마인드맵은 어떤 장점을 가지고 있을까요?